Ready to start our literary adventure?

Have a question about editing, the gaming/publishing industry, conscious language, book recommendations, or collaborating? I’d love to hear from you!

If you’re seeking editing services, please give as much detail in your message as you can. I’d specifically love to know:

  1. Project genre: game, sci-fi/fantasy novel, nonfiction, etc.
  2. Project length (estimates are fine): 60,000-word book, weekly newsletters, etc.
  3. Level of editing sought: first draft (development), alignment (line/copy editing), proofreading, a blend/custom, etc.
  4. Target deadline
  5. Target audience
  6. Your favorite thing about your story!


Please feel free to include any questions or additional information. I’ll review your proposal and respond via email with next steps (please allow 2–3 business days).

If your project isn’t ready yet, but you’d like to learn more about the process or discuss custom packages or sliding scale options, that’s great, too! 

I look forward to connecting with you.